Classes BEGIN the week of
Monday, September 16, 2024

Classes END the week of
Monday, December 16, 2024

Student Enrollment

GCICTS Semester Registration
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Registration Ends on August 25


Registration Ends on August 25 ⋆⋆⋆


A+ = 97-100

A = 93-96

A- = 90-92



B+ = 87-89

B = 83-86

B- = 80-82



1. Each student is allowed 3 absences per semester per class. 

2. Students automatically transfers to “audit” status on 4th absence. The student   may take the course again when it is next offered. See more information on an   “audit” status below.

1. A student may audit a class. Under this status, the student is not required to take exams, submit homework, or participate in any other academic activity for a grade. 

2. If auditing a class, there is no grade to be issued; therefore, no credit is awarded for completing a class towards a certificate or diploma.

3. If auditing a class, the student is not held to the absence/lateness policy.

4. If auditing a class, the student will pay a $50.00 registration fee and $25.00 for each class audited. All audit students must register during the registration/late registration period. No audit “walk-ins” are allowed unless the President or Vice-President approves. 

5. If auditing a class, the student may have to purchase the course text on his/her own. Students who are fully registered have priority in text distribution.

6. Once a student voluntarily changes to or is registered to be on audit status,   there is no returning to taking a class for credit (in the event it is thought they would pass the class being audited). 

7. If a student voluntarily changes to audit status from a registered student and their tuition has not been satisfied, the student is still responsible for paying the balance. 

8. If a registered student exceeds 3 absences, on the 4th absence, the student automatically falls into an audit status. Course fees are non-refundable. The student will be notified by their instructor of the change of status.


C+ = 77-79

C = 73-76

C- = 70-73

F = Below 70

1. Every attempt will be made by GCICTS staff to provide the title, edition, and author of textbooks that will be used for upcoming classes with as much advance notice as possible given to registered students during the registration period.

2. The student has a choice of either purchasing textbooks on their own or have GCICTS purchase the book(s) for them. If the student chooses to have GCICTS order textbooks for him/her, then the student is obligated to pay for the textbooks they ordered when the books arrive. If the student who ordered textbooks from GCICTS does not purchase them upon distribution, the student will NOT receive a grade for the course. All textbooks ordered through GCICTS must be paid for. 

3. The assistant registrar is designated to distribute books and collect monies for books ordered through GCICTS

4. Students who sign up during the Late Registration period will be required to obtain textbooks on their own. This is to avoid delays in ordering and receiving books on time for students who registered during the scheduled registration period.

Unless specifically specified, all class instruction is held using ZOOM. Students will need to download the Zoom app (free) to their electronic device of choice with audible and visual capability.


For classes/courses to be considered from other academic institutions as credit toward a certificate, diploma, or degree at GCICTS, students must present valid documentation (transcripts) by FEBRUARY 1st of each calendar year.


If a student has an issue, the student shall contact either the Registrar, Assistant  Registrar, or the Dean FIRST to attempt to resolve the issue. They should not go directly to the Vice President or President, bypassing the Dean. Should a student attempt this, they will be directed back to the Dean for guidance. Staff positions are found in the GCICTS Bible Instructors section of this booklet.


According to, to plagiarize is to steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one's own; to use another's production without crediting the source. As in any academic environment, this practice is forbidden. Unless assignments involve research that warrants citations, it is the expectation that all work submitted will be in the student’s own words. Therefore, when others' ideas are used in a student’s assignment, the author(s) or source should be credited. Although there are several different citation styles used in academia, GCICTS recommends the MLA Style, which is widely used to document sources in writing. Complete information pertaining to the MLA Style is found online and should be used as a reference. GCICTS instructors may provide further information and guidance on its many different applications when applicable to homework assignments.


Each instructor is responsible for relaying to their students grades for courses completed.


GCICTS recognizes the following holidays during the school year in which there will  be no class:   

Thursday - Thanksgiving 

All other national holidays do not impact GCICTS classes, however individual instructors may recognize certain holidays at their discretion. Check your calendar for exact dates and confirm with your instructor as necessary.

1. Arriving late or leaving class 15 minutes or more equals one count of lateness/leaving early. 

2. Two counts of lateness/leaving early equals one absence. 

3. Audit status on the 4th absence, which can be a combination of absence and/or lateness/leaving early. 



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