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Embark on Your Theological Path

Where Knowledge and Faith Thrive

Established in 1987 by Bishop and Pastor Harris, GCICTS responds to the imperative of preparing its congregation for Christian ministry. Over the years, the dedicated staff at GCICTS has remained committed to upholding academic excellence and standards. We actively pursue knowledge and wisdom through higher education by offering comprehensive courses and curriculums at the undergraduate level. Achieving this involves diligent research, experiential learning, and the continuous introduction of new subjects and materials, all guided by the leading of the Holy Spirit.




II Timothy 2:15

“Study to show thyself approved unto GOD, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

Enroll in the Fall 2024 Semester Today!


Enroll in the Fall 2024 Semester Today! 〰️

GCI Center for Theological Studies, Inc. is not able to offer academic degrees at this time. GCICTS is actively working towards obtaining accreditation through Accrediting Commission International, Inc. Once achieved, then GCICTS will be able to offer academic degrees.  The decision to accept or deny transfer credits from GCICTS rests solely upon the discretion of each institution or college.

Let’s kickstart your theological journey today!

We’ll be with you every step of the way.